Monday, March 29, 2010

Anything I Wish

20 March '75
It took long enough (as is inertia's way) but at last the ineluctable inertia of simple time and life have overcome my private store - within one week I am the cartoonist of The City Partisan and have executed and stuffed into envelopes the first of my procrastinate cartoons to be distributed to senators.
Each of these deceptively momentous tacks has been too long, not in the plotting, but in the mere waiting and forgetting. Much credit, as often is the case, must go to Sherry, without whose unwanted and peeved (about my hesitation, my time-wasting) reiterations that I "could be a good cartoonist," I would still be a would-be.
I have adopted the modern cliche of line screen zip a-tone used by MacNelly, Peters, Oliphant, and Wright. In the long run I naturally expect to develop my own nascent style (which is there, but too-seldom expressed) but for the present I would be happy to blend Ralph Steadmen with the afore-mentioned four, stealing cheerfully because even in stealing, enough of me will hit the page to prevent plagiarism.
Now I have love, cartooning, painting, composing, and alto recorder to do after work. It's a good life (and it keeps me off the streets, nights).

21 March '75
How good it has felt, this last week, to get up at 6:45 (outraging entire body) and work for an hour before going to 'work' a half hour late. Breakfast eaten, music playing, it feels like as extra day jammed into the 24 hours. Later I feel more alive because I was 'doing' something. (And sometimes I feel tired, but I need myself fore than I need my sleep).

29 March '75
I have come the realization that I can do anything I wish in life.

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