Saturday, April 24, 2010


30 April '75

I have always known that my work would develop and change with time, and it has. However, my excursion into minimal composition, while not as wrenching as Larry Poons' abandoning ellipsoid dots for thick, scumbled surfaces, was a giant step. Perhaps I could compare it to Frank Stella's development in that I kept about half of my arsenal (my textures) and changed the other half (my shapes). It was a successful step, but it leads me to wonder "what next?" Stripes will be exhausted some day, as were dots and the giant protractor exhausted, and I shall once again wish to start boldly anew. A false start of half a dozen paintings and several months to discover the end of a blind alley would be a great waste and yet my more rigid format may preclude a more predictable and successful "development." Stella as changed 3-4 times and made great art. Smith was cut off in the prime of his "Cubi" period. Frankenthaler, Francis, and some others have lost that original fire in their successive incarnations. Nevelson has mined the same ground for years, but the result always glitters.
How many times will I (Have to? Want to?) change? Where will that next step take me?
I don't even know whether I am striding out across the world or spiralling in to find myself. It really does not matter.

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